Saturday, December 20, 2008

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum

Last weekend we got our Christmas tree!!! It finally felt like Christmas. We found this nice place where you cut your own tree not far from where we live. Walked around for a while, and after going back and forth we got the tree that we picked first. This happens every year. We find a treed and then find a different one and so one and so forth and then always come back to the first tree. Though after this year we have a new family rule, and that is what ever tree I pick out first we have to find one ½ it’s size. Some how I seem to pick out HUGE trees for a small house. I think it was about 9 feet or a little more. Jon needed help getting it to the car because it was so heavy, and when we got home had to cut about a foot off of it. And it still manages to make our living room look so very small. Well after we got it set up and it place with the decorations on it looks pretty good. The next morning we came downstairs to find it had fallen over that night. Our plastic tree stand is no match for our 100 lb tree. So it is now leaning in the corner, it looks a little funny, but we have a tree and it is Christmas.